The Climate Toolkit


As the planet becomes warmer, water is in higher demand for plants, people and the local ecosystem, placing sanitary and water infrastructure under stress. Conserving water can alleviate the strain placed on municipal water systems to clean and transport water, reducing their energy use and emissions in the process.

Click below to read more about each goal and explore further resources. If you need more support, please email the Climate Toolkit at:

Listed below are the Water goals of the Climate Toolkit:

Municipal water, which is often used to water plants, requires a lot of energy to produce and transport. Overwatering can cause erosion and increased runoff and pollute waterways with fertilizers and pesticides. One way to reduce energy use and support the local ecosystem and environment is to choose hardy plants that are native to your area and require less maintenance.


Potable water is water that is safe enough for humans to consume. Potable water often must be treated at a utility treatment center and then pumped back out to the public, which requires energy. To avoid this, consider collecting and managing rainwater that falls on your site to use to water your plants. Choose native and drought resistant plants, which won’t need to be watered as frequently.


Institutions Pursuing Water Goals:

Select a CHECKBOX to filter ORGANIZATIONS that have achieved a particular goal.


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