In order to best address climate change within your workforce, it’s important to ensure that your staff members are motivated to integrate addressing climate change as a priority in their professional and personal lives. With the right combination of incentivization, communication and reinforcement, your team will coalesce around climate change as a priority, and this mindfulness has a positive effect on operations both large and small.
您的客人往往在生活中积极寻找应对气候变化的方法。在一项研究中,44% 的受访者表示,他们 "认为自己的行动太微不足道,无法帮助阻止气候变化",32% 的受访者表示,他们 "不了解自己可以采取的行动"。在这项研究中,只有55%的参与者认为他们在应对气候变化方面做得足够多。博物馆、动物园和植物园有机会通过让游客了解他们能为地球做些什么来扩大应对气候变化的影响范围。成功吸引游客参与气候行动对于应对气候变化的可持续变革至关重要。