The future of our climate is in the hands of our young people, many of whom have an innate passion for the environment, social justice, and equal opportunity for education, yet they rarely have a seat at the table. They seek meaningful change, have brilliant ideas, and bring communities together in ways that no other generation has been able to before. As cultural institutions, we have a responsibility to help support young people in their work and learn from them in the process. As the UNFCCC states, “Everyone, including and perhaps especially the young, must understand and participate in the transition to a low-emission, climate-resilient world.”
There are many ways for organizations to provide youth with a platform to educate, engage, and ignite action surrounding environmental issues. It is important for youth to not only learn about specific problems in today’s societies, but to also hear different perspectives from those in different communities to evolve their knowledge and understanding as well.
Methods of Engagement Include:
- Forming a Youth Climate Action Committee.
- Providing solutions-focused climate education for youth/teens/young adults.
- Engaging schools and community groups in climate advocacy and environmental justice outreach programs.
- Becoming a resource hub for climate education best practices and climate science.
- Providing fellowship or stipend opportunities for youth climate activists.
- Creating a platform to uplift BIPOC and marginalized youth (in environmental justice communities or under-resourced communities) voices around climate change.
- Developing projects that directly impact and provide resources and support to surrounding local communities.
The Climate Toolkit Youth Network (CTYN) serves as a resource and connector network for museums and cultural institutions that currently have activated youth climate groups or are interested in forming such groups. Modeled after the Climate Toolkit, the CTYN is a dedicated space for youth groups to connect with each other, trade case studies, climate positive inspiration, and resources, and generally act as a space of support for youth climate work. The CTYN also creates a platform for staff who work with youth groups to trade best practices for adult-youth allyship, discuss funding opportunities, share resources and tools, and form partnerships. The CTYN allows youth groups to have a larger impact by amplifying their work and allowing for robust collaboration between youth and between staff.
YOUNGO – Official Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC
காட்டு மையம் Youth Climate Program வளங்கள்
Climate Generation Teacher Resource Kit
NAACP – Teaching Intersectionality and Environmental Justice
NAAEE – Professional Learning
LCOY – Local Conference of Youth
Climate Justice Alliance
UNFCCC Action for Climate Empowerment